Sunday, November 14, 2021





  • Income of $16,441 
  • Expenses of $13,008.21 
  • Net $3432.79, primarily from the Agility trial held at Bon-Clyde.
    •  Actual net attributed to Agility trials: $3454. 
  • Total assets of the club are now $82,936.24 
    • as compared to October 2018 at $59,996.14. 
  • Outstanding commitments include support of the Police Dogs at Pinehurst and Southern Pines, estimated at $2-3,500.    
See attached spread sheet for full details of the month of October, 2021.


Meeting Started by Karolynne McAteer 6:00 PM


Betty Chapman. Andrea Gumrich. Jane Hammett Bright. Karolynne McAteer. Ellen Pfann. Kathy Scheideman. Robert Stolting. Ruth Stolting. Beth Verner. Ursula Walsh. 

Old Business

Welcome to all our new members!!
Spring Fest 2022
Betty will send application in.
Make sure the Therapy Booth still exists.
Put together Schedule in February

New Business

Ursula Walsh - Agility Trial Report - Successful again!!
Made approximately $3000 plus.
Everyone was happy to be there.

Karolynne: AKC Adopt a K-9 Cop

The Program is via AKC Reunite, the largest non-profit pet identification and recovery service provider in the United States. They will match funds from AKC Clubs at a three-to-one ratio, up to $7,500 per grant., through the Canine Support and Relief fund to purchase K-9 police dogs to donate to police departments throughout the United States. 

Our Club currently funds $1000 to Pinehurst Police Department and $1000 to Southern Pines Police Department.

By acclamation – club voted to approve donations of $2500 per department so that AKC will grant $7500 per department. Each department will receive $10,000 total.

Karolynne will contact Southern Pines and Pinehurst to see if they want to acquire a new dog or supplement existing.

Angela Zumwalt may now someone.

Nominated Slate of Officers and Board 2022/2023 term

·         President - Jane Hammett Bright
·         Vice President - Patty Pace
·         Treasurer- Betty Chapman
·         Recording Secretary - Karolynne McAteer
·         Corresponding Secretary - Ellen Pfann
·         Membership - Marjorie Riddle Watson
·         Carol Dowd Kamalbake
·         Bill Pace
·         Ursula Walsh

No Nominations From The Floor Were Made.

Friday, November 12, 2021



Through the Canine Support and Relief Fund, AKC Reunite works with AKC Clubs to donate K-9 police dogs to police departments around the United States. Many police department K-9 units are suffering budget cuts and they are unable to solicit money due to town and municipality codes. The donations from AKC Reunite and AKC Clubs allow the police department’s need for a new K-9 to become a reality. READ MORE HERE

At our November 10th Meeting MCKC voted to support this initiative in both Pinehurst and Southern Pines.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021



AGENDA: November 10 2021 General Meeting


Old Business

 Welcome to all our new members!!

 Springfest 2022

 New Business

 Agility Trial Report - Successful again!!

 Nominated Slate of Officers and Board 2022/2023 term

·         President - Jane Hammett Bright

·         Vice President - Patty Pace

·         Treasurer- Betty Chapman

·         Recording Secretary - Karolynne McAteer

·         Corresponding Secretary - Ellen Pfann

·         Membership - Marjorie Riddle Watson


·         Carol Dowd Kamalbake

·         Bill Pace

·         Ursula Walsh

 Future Meeting/Gathering Dates

·         Wednesday December 1, 2021 - Holiday/Christmas Party - Table on the Green 6pm

·         Wednesday January 12, 2022 - Annual meeting to vote in new Slate - Zoom meeting 6pm

·         Thursday - Sunday January 20 - 23, 2022 - Agility Trial - Bon Clyde 

·         Wednesday February 9, 2022 - Meeting - Table on the Green 6pm

·         Wednesday March 9, 2022 - Meeting - Table on the Green 6pm

·         Wednesday April 13, 2022 - Meeting - Table on the Green 6pm

·         Saturday April 30, 2022 - Southern Pines Springfest - downtown Southern Pines - 10am to 4pm

·         Saturday and Sunday May 7 & 8, 2022 - Annual Dog Show - Pinehurst Harness Track

·         Wednesday June 8, 2022 - Meeting - Table on the Green 6pm

·         Thursday - Sunday June 9 -12, 2022 - Agility Trial - Oakridge, NC

 Holiday/Christmas Party

 Treasurer’s Report


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

US Congress: Harmful, Arbitrary Breeder Mandates Bill Advancing – Contact Your Representatives



A set of arbitrary and harmful federal breeder bills (H.R. 2840 /S. 1385) that would mandate new requirements for certain hobby and professional dog breeders are gaining support in Congress.  We urge all responsible dog owners, breeders and enthusiasts to contact their lawmakers about the harmful consequences of the bills.

While certain aspects of this feel-good measure, called the “Puppy Protection Act”, codify general good practices, other parts establish arbitrary, one-size-fits all mandates that are not in the best interests of all dogs and undermine individual flexibility that allows for best practices and optimal outcomes.

In recent months, animal rights or “protection” groups have been pressuring members of Congress to sign onto the bills. More than 175 lawmakers have signed onto the bills as co-sponsors, increasing the likelihood that the measures could advance rapidly in year-end legislative negotiations. 

We urge all responsible dog owners, breeders and enthusiasts to take a moment to contact your members of Congress to ask them not to support this “feel-good” measure and the one-size fits all mandates that can harm responsible breeders and specialized breeding practices.  A better approach is to provide resources to help USDA enforce existing pet breeder requirements.   

How This Impacts You:

These measures would apply to anyone who is subject to USDA breeder/dealer licensing. Breeders are subject to USDA licensing if they maintain more than 4 “breeding females” (a term that is undefined but is generally considered to mean an intact female) and sell or transfer even one of the offspring “sight unseen”. “Breeding females” include any combination of cats, dogs, or other small pet mammals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, etc. (Learn more).

Scroll down to learn more about these bills and how to contact your members of Congress.

Arbitrary requirements include but are not limited to:

  • Mandated indoor space sufficient to allow the tallest dog in an enclosure to stand on his or her hind legs without touching the roof of the enclosure.
  • Mandated unfettered access from dogs’ primary enclosures to an outdoor exercise area large enough that it “allows dogs to extend to full stride”. This creates a potentially dangerous environment for dogs.
  • Mandated annual dental exams.
  • Completely solid flooring, despite scientific recognition that multiple types of high-quality flooring, including engineered slatted flooring, is beneficial in certain types of kennels and with certain breeds.
  • Mandated pre-breeding screenings. No specific details are provided for what the screening would involve or who would make such decisions.
  • Prohibition on the keeping of dogs in enclosures above 85 degrees or below 45 degrees F, regardless of breed or acclimation needs for dogs that hunt, sled, detect explosives, or do other work and thrive in cooler temperatures, or must be acclimated to cooler or warmer temperatures for their safety.

Further, it prohibits the breeding of a female dog:

  • Unless pre-screened by a veterinarian
  • If it would produce more than two litters in an 18-month period.
  • Based arbitrarily on the age and size of the dog.

While some portions of the measures include reasonable generalized guidelines for canine care, arbitrary requirements that ignore best practices for individual outcomes are not appropriate for federal mandates. Arbitrary, one-size-fits-all requirements do not take into account the broad range of breeds and types of dogs or best health and breeding practices. They also do not allow for creative approaches that allow expert breeders and owners to provide optimal care for their individual dogs and advance the art and science of responsible dog breeding.

To learn more, see and share Breeder Expertise, Thoughtful Analysis Demonstrate Dangerous Flaws in ‘Feel Good’ Dog Law.

What you Can Do:

Most members of Congress want to do the right thing for dogs, but they are not experts in this area. It’s likely they do not understand the nuances or unintended consequences of arbitrary legislation that may “sound good” to a non-expert. They also hear a lot from animal rights/ animal protection groups, and they also rely on hearing from constituents. Unless we help educate our lawmakers, we will be subject to bad laws.

Your member of Congress needs to hear from you. Please contact your member of Congress and your U.S. Senators today. Visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center and type your address in the “Find Your Elected Officials” box to find out who represents you and get their contact information.

Tell them:

  1. H.R. 2840/S. 1385 mandate arbitrary one-size-fits-all requirements for temperatures, kennel engineering standards, and breeding bans that are not appropriate for all types or breeds of dogs and could harm some dogs.
  2. Explain you are a constituent. Respectfully share your experience and concerns as a dog owner/breeder/expert and based on the talking points above. Breeders: Relying on your experience, explain in practical terms how the new mandates would adversely impact your breeding program.
  3. Ask them to not support advancing the bills out of committee.
  4. If you can, let the AKC GR team ( know you contacted your lawmakers and if you received any response.

For questions or more information, contact, visit or contact 919-816-3720.

Thank you for your action to protect the future of our breeds and the integrity of responsible, expert breeders.

Next Meeting - November 10th!

Friday, November 5, 2021



Article IV Section 5
Upon the receipt of the nominating committee's report, the Corresponding Secretary shall, before the next club meeting, notify each club member in writing of the candidates so nominated. This requirement may be satisfied by publication in the monthly newsletter.

Additional nominations may be made at the November meeting by any member in attendance provided that the person so nominated does not decline when his or her name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not in attendance at this meeting, the proposer shall present the Board with a written statement from the proposed candidate signifying his or her willingness to be a candidate. No person shall be a candidate for more than one office and the additional nominations which are provided for herein may be made only from among those members who have not accepted a nomination of the nominating committee.

Nominations cannot be made at the Annual Meeting or in any manner other than as provided in this Section

Here is the 2022 Slate:

Jane Hammett Bright

Vice President
Patty Pace

Recording Secretary
Karolynne McAteer

Corresponding Secretary
Ellen Pfann

Betty Chapman

Majorie Watson
Carol Dowd Kamalbake
Bill Pace
Ursula Walsh

Beth's Obituary & Reminder For Her Memorial


Donations can be made in her memory to: 
The Walthour-Moss Foundation
Sandhills Children’s Center
Companion Animal Clinic Foundation

There will be a Celebration of Life
at 12:30 p.m. on November 13, 2021 
at Weymouth Center, 
555 E. Connecticut Avenue, 
Southern Pines, NC 28387.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 The meeting at Rudino's on October 18th was a HUGE SUCCESS. Friends got to reconnect and meet the new members!


The Club will be moving forward with meetings at Table on the Green.

November 10, 2021 - general meeting
December 1, 2021 - Christmas Party
February 9, 2022 - general meeting
March 9, 2022 - general meeting
April 13, 2022 - general meeting

REMINDER - November 13 Celebration of Beth's Life


Celebration of Beth Dowd's Life:
Weymouth Center
November 13 2021 at 12:30 pm 
We will be raising a glass to Beth.
Dress in furs and hats.


 Each of these will be at Table on the Green
 6:00 PM
Please order at the Bar before you walk in - 
Dinners will be served toward the end of the meeting

November 10, 2021
February 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
April 13, 2022

PLUS -- We are planning a special HOLIDAY PARTY 

 DECEMBER 1, 2021 

More Details to come soon!