The meeting was called to order by President Jane Hammett
Bright at 6:05PM.
Corresponding Secretary / Webmaster:
Ellen Pfann discussed working on the website and blog, so they both work in
the same fashion, and offer more features.
More info on this topic as Ellen gathers options.
Ellen discussed a possible new URL for the website. Discussion at this time seemed to surround
retaining what is already known. Again,
more info forthcoming and hopefully when there are more members attending with
Report by
Marjorie Watson on the state of new members, and to report that the current
membership is up to date. There are new
members who have applied, but have not paid their dues yet, so she cannot add
them to the membership list.
A treasurer’s report had been forwarded by Betty Chapman,
and acknowledgement of three “thank you” note from Pet Responsibility, MIRA and
Take the Lead.
May Dog Show:
Karolynne McAteer spoke briefly on the need for volunteers
to run an efficient dog show in May. So
far no one has willingly stepped up to offer assistance with Vendors, Catalogue
Sales, Parking assistance. This will be
pursued during the March and April meetings
Jane read a report from Bill Pace on the grounds and plans
for set up at the Polo Field early in the week of May 2. To date the plan is to have the tents fully
erected and operational by Monday May 2 and to be inspected with fire
extinguishers by May 3. Golden
Retriever events begin on Thursday May 5.
The MCKC shows begin on Saturday and Sunday May 7 and 8.
The MCKC support of our police dogs at Southern Pines police
department and at the Pinehurst Police department. Karolynne is set to visit those two
departments during mid February.
Ellen reminded all of us that the Spring Fest is Saturday
April 30 (the weekend before our show) and we have a double booth at this
event. Volunteers to help erect the
booth and well-behaved dogs to meet and greet the public, are needed. We will have printed judging programs to hand
out for our show on hand . It is a
wonderful opportunity to let the general public know about MCKC.
Carol Dowd committed to ferns and flowers for the show, and
for the photo set up. They always make
such a nice appearance at the Hospitality tent.
There being no additional business, the meeting was
adjourned by Jane at 6:58PM.
Submitted by:
Karolynne McAteer, Recording Secretary