Showing posts with label Dog Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog Show. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2022


 We'll be breaking out our new Banner at Springfest and our Dog Shows. Be sure to remember to contact Ellen to volunteer a shift at Springfest, and Karolynne or Patty to volunteer for the Show.

Our new banner details the different charities Moore County Kennel Club supports.
The Dog World's support of our events
supports all of these very worthwhile ventures.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Minutes of the Moore County Members Meeting Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 The meeting was called to order by President Jane Hammett Bright at 6:05PM.

Corresponding Secretary / Webmaster:
Ellen Pfann discussed working  on the website and blog, so they both work in the same fashion, and offer more features.  More info on this topic as Ellen gathers options.

Ellen discussed a possible new URL for the website.  Discussion at this time seemed to surround retaining what is already known.  Again, more info forthcoming and hopefully when there are more members attending with ideas.

  Report by Marjorie Watson on the state of new members, and to report that the current membership is up to date.   There are new members who have applied, but have not paid their dues yet, so she cannot add them to the membership list. 

A treasurer’s report had been forwarded by Betty Chapman, and acknowledgement of three “thank you” note from Pet Responsibility, MIRA and Take the Lead.

May Dog Show:
Karolynne McAteer spoke briefly on the need for volunteers to run an efficient dog show in May.   So far no one has willingly stepped up to offer assistance with Vendors, Catalogue Sales, Parking assistance.   This will be pursued during the March and April meetings

Jane read a report from Bill Pace on the grounds and plans for set up at the Polo Field early in the week of May 2.  To date the plan is to have the tents fully erected and operational by Monday May 2 and to be inspected with fire extinguishers by May 3.    Golden Retriever events begin on Thursday May 5.  The MCKC shows begin on Saturday and Sunday May 7 and 8.

The MCKC support of our police dogs at Southern Pines police department and at the Pinehurst Police department.   Karolynne is set to visit those two departments during mid February.

Ellen reminded all of us that the Spring Fest is Saturday April 30 (the weekend before our show) and we have a double booth at this event.   Volunteers to help erect the booth and well-behaved dogs to meet and greet the public, are needed.  We will have printed judging programs to hand out for our show on hand .  It is a wonderful opportunity to let the general public know about MCKC.

Carol Dowd committed to ferns and flowers for the show, and for the photo set up.  They always make such a nice appearance at the Hospitality tent.

There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned by Jane at 6:58PM.

Submitted by:  Karolynne McAteer, Recording Secretary

Monday, February 28, 2022



Saturday, April 30, 2022
Ready to have fun with fellow members and our dogs.

Breed Ambassadors

Promote the Dog Show
Hand out Judging Schedules
Talk up MCKC
Talk about the Philanthropies we support.

Need 2-3 Members per shift
There is space in the cool tent to crate resting dogs.

8 AM - 9:45 AM ---- Set Up
9:30 - 11:15 AM
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
1:15 - 2:45 PM
2:30 - 4:00 PM
4:00 - 5:00 PM ------ Break Down

MCKC Members Rocked Springfest 2019


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


 Each Year, MCKC Offsets Dog Show Costs By Bringing in Vendors

And every year, the Dog Show max's out its Vendor Space -- because it is a Win-Win proposition! For a small fee, we rent out an area for them to sell their wares --- at an event that saw 1200 dogs each day in 2021.

  • Contacting last year's vendors and asking if they'd like to repeat (most of our vendors are repeats).
  • Distributing and overseeing the signing of Vendor Contract.
  • Answering questions.
  • Prospecting new vendors if needed.
  • Coordinating with the Show Committee and Chair.
  • Working with Patty Pace to "learn the ropes."
If you have questions or interest, please contact Patty Pace.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Westminster Coming to Tarrytown, NY June 12-13, 2021

 The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show will not be held in New York City this year for the first time in more than 100 years. Instead, it will be an outdoor event at Lyndhurst Mansion, a National Historic Trust site. There will be no spectators or vendors.

Read more. . .

Thursday, March 18, 2021



Our Dog Shows Run, thanks to Club Volunteers. Raise your hand. Many helping hands make little work. So let's all do our part. Contact Bill Pace


Each year the club raises funds 
by selling Raffle Tickets during our Dog Show!
You can help
by donating Raffle items.
Bring them by the Dog show on Saturday Morning, May 8th.
Contact Coordinator Nancy Wargas
with any questions!

Thursday, February 18, 2021



  • Club normally orders two large tents. This year - both tents will be used for Grooming, in order to Social Distance.
  • Vendors normally under the second tent will be able to bring their own 10x10 tents to sell from. 
  • We are limiting the show to 1000 dogs per day --- and believe we will reach that number. Our show takes place outside, which is more desirable for those concerned about the pandemic.
  • The club suggests that those wanting to show keep their eye on the MBF show list -- because many shows have been maxing out very early.
  • Trophies will be awarded to each of the Groups and the Best In Show.
For details, keep an eye on our webpage.

Monday, June 8, 2020


Are you missing the fun and competition of dog shows? Maybe you always wanted to try conformation but weren’t sure where to start? In these times of social distancing, we invite the dog fancy community to come together virtually to celebrate our beloved dogs in a new way. The AKC Virtual Top Dog Challenge is an online conformation event for AKC-recognized breeds and the Miscellaneous class.

A portion of each $25 entry will be donated by AKC to Take the Lead, a 501c3 organization dedicated to assisting participants in the dog sport who are suffering from life threatening or terminal illnesses, as well as assisting those affected by natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


This whole Coronavirus thing has really taken all of us for a loop!!! We may be sidelined today ---- but our Dog Show way of life will be back.

It didn't go without notice that our Club's Dog Show should have been in the books last week. Here's a look back to 2013. . . and to our future. This will happen again. Keep the faith.