Wednesday, January 26, 2022



Via Zoom, with officers, directors and club members attending.

2021 Moore County KC President, Patty Pace called the Zoom meeting to order at 6:02 PM

The first purpose of the meeting was to announce the election of officers.  As there was no opposition to the proposed slate of the nominating committee, the President, Patty Pace, cast a vote to accept the election of officers and directors.


Jane Hammett Bright

Vice President

Patty Pace


Betty Chapman

Recording Secretary

Karolynne McAteer

Corresponding Secretary

Ellen Mantel Pfann


Marjorie Riddle Watson


Carol Dowd Kamalbake

Bill Pace

Ursula Walsh


Patty Pace reviewed the Premium List for the May dog show and asked for someone to step up to be Vendor Chair.   We anticipate that someone will offer to help coordinate the vendors by the next meeting.

Patty turned the meeting over to the newly elected President for 2022, Jane Hammett Bright.

An application was approved for new members James, Erica, and John Brody, who have Pembroke Welsh Corgis.

Karolynne McAteer asked that we review our charities, for year 2022, and that we catch up on charitable donations not written for 2021.   She asked that Take the Lead receive their check as soon as possible, as they are hosting a major fundraising event at the Raleigh shows in March. Karolynne also mentioned that she’d like to visit the police departments of Southern Pines and Pinehurst to speak with the police chiefs, and possibly the canine handlers, about funding a new dog via the AKC Adopt a k9Cop program.  It is a terrific offer that comes via AKC REUNITE to have the local dog clubs donate/raise $2,500 per dog and Reunite will kick in the remaining $7,500.   Regardless of the outcome of that conversation, MCKC will send, as usual, checks for $1,000 to each of the two police stations (both of whom have police dogs.)

There was a discussion about Juniors, and the AKC suggestion that every club have a Juniors Liaison focused on getting Juniors into our membership. Information will be provided to Jane, by Karolynne, to get the ball rolling.  There is also a very good book on the 4H presence in dogs, and we will get that book as well.

Ellen Pfann will update the officers and directors list and send the new list to AKC and update the website. Ellen asked that everyone send her their brags so she will have material for the BARKER.

Betty Chapman reported on the treasury and said there has not been much activity this first month, but she expects more with Agility checks coming in, and the start of vendors booking space for the MCKC show. Betty reports that the treasury is strong.

There was a discussion, led by Ursula Walsh, on locations for the upcoming Agility trials, and she will keep us posted. 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:05PM.

Submitted by Recording Secretary, Karolynne McAteer

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